
Being a friend of Main Street Beaufort means one is supportive of the revitalization of our downtown historic district. We appreciate all of our supporters and your money is well spent in our efforts to make downtown Beaufort a wonderful place to dine, shop, stay, and play. If you’re interested in being a ‘Friend’ member of Main Street Beaufort, simply click the link below.


Become a friend of Main Street Beaufort


There are other ways to support Main Street Beaufort as well.


Volunteer for an event or special project. If you are interested in volunteering at one of our festivals, serving on a committee, or simply helping in the office during busy times just email and let us know your interest. We’d be happy to have you.


You can also become our friend on FACEBOOK and find out about all of the happenings in downtown Beaufort. Simply go to this link:!/ShopBeaufortSC.