The Board of Directors of Main Street Beaufort, USA, recently commissioned a Retail Market Analysis for Downtown Beaufort in the summer of 2014. The analysis also includes strategies that will guide the organization’s work plan for the next few years. The report has 2 components. The first report includes findings on the analysis including zip code surveys, online consumer surveys, roundtable and one-on-one interview sessions, and data derived from various sources, including Claritas Site Reports, the US Census Bureau, and the Urban Land Institute. The second report is a series of strategies and recommendations based on stakeholder input and the retail market analysis processes. The reports can be downloaded below.
Beaufort-Part-1-Report-justified (2)
The Board of Directors has its strategic planning retreat in February of each year.
Our projects for 2015/2016 are:
Parking Garage Advocacy Team
Our first goal is to advocate with the City of Beaufort and it’s awarded company to Beaufort County representatives to put the choice to fund a parking garage through the Capital Penny Tax on the ballot in front of the voters in 2016. We will work to educate the public on why this initiative is important to downtown Beaufort’s future and encourage voter’s to vote ’Yes’ on this project.
Economic Gardening Team
Working with and investing in businesses that are working to expand and better themselves. Starting with businesses open daily until 6pm or later, businesses open on Sunday, and businesses that have their own marketing plans through traditional and social media. A marketing plan will be developed to disprove the stigma that downtown Beaufort closes at 5pm and is a ghost town on Sunday. Businesses are open, we just need to let the community and our visitors know.
Events Analysis Team
MSB is taking a look at all of our events. With one staff person, we rely heavily on volunteers to produce more than a dozen events each year. Classifying events under categories like: Festivals, Community/Goodwill Events, and Business Oriented Events will help decide which category is lacking and what events should be added, changed, or removed.
Advertising Team
We began this fiscal year applying for Accommodation Tax Grant dollars from the City and County. Once awards are received, this team will prioritize our original wish list for our of market advertising and begin a local advertising strategy.
Wayfinding Signage Phase II
Wayfinding signage was installed in the fall of 2015 and we couldn’t be happier. The community was so excited, ideas and requests for additional signs and placement on signs are already coming in. This team will discuss a timeline and guidelines to update exist-ing signs and explore opportunities to fund Phase II.
Please contact our office at 843.525.6644 if you are interested in being a part of a Project Team.